New World's Hottest Chili
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Peter A
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Posts: 1,442
New World's Hottest Chili
In article >,
> I heard about this on the radio this morning:
> The bhut jolokia beats the Red Savina
> in Scoville units.
> I'd sure like to get some of these.
This "the hotter the better" notion has always struck me as pure idiocy,
engaged in by the same people who own Hummers, buy penis-enlargement
pills, and own lots of guns. Heat is essential in some foods, and I love
it as much as anyone, but when you seek heat just for the sake of
outdoing someone else then you end up with food where the heat blanks
out all other flavors. What's the point? Why not try for the world's
saltiest food?
Peter Aitken
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Peter A
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