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Gunner[_6_] Gunner[_6_] is offline
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Default Prickly Pear Margarita?

"Christine Dabney" > wrote in message
> Heya folks,
> I was thinking of making some of Kay's margaritas for the NM Cook-in,
> but then I saw something on egullet about Prickly Pears. They should
> be available here in the area about cook-in time. I have also heard
> about prickly pear margaritas...
> I was wondering how I could adapt Kay's margaritas to incorporate
> prickly pear juice? I haven't had prickly pears before, or a prickly
> pear margarita, so I don't know how I would do substitutions/additions
> to it.
> This is Kay's Margarita:
> 1 2/3 cup Sauza Comemorativo tequila
> 1/4 cup Grand Marnier
> 1/2 cup lime juice
> 1 teaspoon finely grated lime zest
> 1/4 cup sugar
> Lime wedges
> Coarse salt
> 1. Steeping the margarita mixture. Mix the tequila, Grand
> Marnier, lime juice, lime zest, and sugar in a glass or plastic
> pitcher until the sugar dissolves. Cover and refrigerate at least
> 2 hours (but no more than 24 hours). Strain into another pitcher.
> 2. Finishing and serving the margaritas. Rub the rims of 8 6- to
> 8-ounce glasses with a lime wedge, then dip the rims in a dish of
> coarse salt. Serve the margaritas on the rocks in the prepared
> glasses.
> Christine

I thought Bayless had a P. Pear Margarita to go along with Kay's adaptation
but I can't find it in his books, yet there are many recipes out there.
Rather than urban forging to make your own just to get some syrup, there
are many places in AZ and NM sell it. Besides digging those tiny little
needles is not a lot of fun, never feel like ya got em all. and don't even
think about going to the bathroom or rubbing your eyes if you get them on
your hands.

Here are some google links for the syrup and and recipes.

Do put Nopales on the dinner menu, see what folks think of them.