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Default Tonight's salad dressing

On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 20:14:49 -0400, Julia Altshuler
> magnanimously proffered:

>Combine in blender:
>Juice of 1 lime, about a 1/4 cup
>1/4 cup olive oil
>2 Tablespoons cream cheese
>2 cloves garlic
>2 Tablespoons brown mustard
>several sprigs parsley and cilantro freshly picked from garden.
>It came out nicely thick, good for either tossing on salad or dipping
>carrot sticks in.

The dressing was a complete success. My mistake was judging it on how
it tasted on its own. Used as a dip for carrot and celery sticks it
was a huge success. Guests would go "yummm" and asked "where did you
find this?" And when I told them I'd made it, I got asked for the
recipe! There was none left!

Once again, thank you Lia. I told our guests I got the recipe "off the
internet" since none of them has the slightest idea what Usenet is.
But one of our friends wanted to know "where" on the internet, so I
told him about Usenet and will be going over to their house later this
week to show him how it works - and subscribe him and his wife to rfc.
I will certainly be making this dressing again - our daughter and
son-in-law brought over even more limes from their trees!

If I can't find brown mustard, then I'll try halving the Dijon and see
what it tastes like (with a piece of carrot or celery this time!). On
the other hand, using what I thought was too much Dijon didn't seem to
phase anyone else and it did taste great used as a dip. In fact, the
friend who wanted to know about newsgroups said, "I bet this would be
wonderful used as a salad dressing."

My only mistake was leaving out the parsley (because I got rushed and
forgot it). Next time I'll try it on its own and then try a little bit
with chopped coriander leaves (or parsley).


una cerveza mas por favor ...

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Wax-up and drop-in of Surfing's Golden Years: <>
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