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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default Twelve Years of Unwedded Bliss!

Damsel in dis Dress wrote:
> On Aug 4, 9:59 pm, "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> Damsel in dis Dress wrote:> On Aug 4, 8:10 pm, "jmcquown"
>> > wrote:
>>>> Damsel in dis Dress wrote:> Today is the anniversary of Crash's and
>>>> my first date. We're having a
>>>>> special dinner (well, special to us) in about an hour or so.

>>>> Congratulations!

>>>> Jill

>>> Thank you for the sentiment, but given your recent post concerning
>>> your feelings about me, it reeks of hypocrisy.

>> I posted about you? Hmmm, can't remember doing that. In fact, you
>> are
>> barely a blip on my radar these days so I can't imagine why I'd have
>> posted
>> anything recently involving you.


Google whatever you like; you can't show me where I said/posted anything bad
about you in the past year or so, can you? No, in fact when you were
posting you posted about making my butternut squash soup.

You haven't been around for a year, so why would I bother to post anything
about you? Only your ego would think that I did. Frankly, I missed your
posts but didn't really think much about them, or about you. I certainly
didn't post about you. Maybe that's the problem.

>> But never mind the money I sent you to
>> take your cat to the vet (and which you had put down, btw, rather
>> than
>> treated). Never mind the many things I've done to try to help you
>> out. I'm
>> obviously a very bad person.

> Is it possible for you to sink any lower? Really ... is it possible?
> Purrl had advanced feline leukemia. There was no possibility for
> treatment, and you know that. I appreciate the help you gave me at
> that time. It meant the world to both Crash and me.

You never told me that. You never said Purrl had feline leukemia but guess
what? Lots of cats live long happy lives with that condition; you don't
just put them down. You said you needed money to take her to the vet. Next
thing I know, the money is gone and the cat was euthanized. No explanation,
no medical diagnosis. Just, oh, we had the cat put to sleep. So what the
hell was I supposed to think? Costs $25 to get a cat PTS... I sent you
$200. And I know others sent you money for that cause, too. What happened
to the rest of the money, hmmmmm.

> You're not making yourself look like a saint by talking about helping
> others in the past. You taint your comments with hateful, hurtful,
> destructive add-ons.

I'm not making myself look like anything. I congratulated you on your
anniversary and you jumped all over me me for no good reason. Whatever.
