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BOB[_9_] BOB[_9_] is offline
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Posts: 340
Default Twelve Years of Unwedded Bliss!

"Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
> Today is the anniversary of Crash's and my first date. We're having a
> special dinner (well, special to us) in about an hour or so.
> Marinated shrimp on skewers, grilled, then served with lemon butter.
> Marinated chicken breast with onion and red, yellow, and green
> peppers, skewered and grilled.
> Brown rice.
> Pound cake with fresh strawberries and whipped cream for dessert.
> It's been raining intermittently all day, so grilling may or may not
> be a challenge. But this is going to be a real treat for us, either
> way!
> (Crash has been having problems with his artificial hip making loud,
> horrible grinding sounds, and he's having trouble walking, but he's in
> good spirits. We see the orthopod on Monday)
> Carol

Sounds like a great meal. I'm guessing that each part has some significance
from the past 12 years together?

Here's hoping that Crash's hip is easily fixed...ask the doctor about adding
grease fittings. ;-)

Glad to see you back posting again. Don't be a stranger. You add much to
this (mostly, now days, Off Topic) group.