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Julia Altshuler Julia Altshuler is offline
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Default Ideas wanted for meal replacement smoothies

Anthony wrote:
> I'm trying to create a meal replacement smoothie that is quick and
> easy for anyone at home to do.
> Here is what I have been trying:
> Meal Replacement Smoothie

> This tasted great but I was hungry again after 2 hours.
> Any ideas on what else to add to make it more filling and still
> healthy?

Meal replacement?
More filling?

There's a contradiction in terms going on.

What's healthy for one person might not be for the next. What's healthy
at one moment might not be the next moment. For the most obvious
example, one person might need to be on a limited calorie diet to lose
weight. Another might need to get as many calories as possible to gain
weight, to counteract nausea from pregnancy or chemotherapy, to
counteract a medical problem with absorbing nutrients.

Two things will make a meal filling: fiber and calories. If the meal
is filling because of fiber, we'll likely feel hungry shortly
afterwards. If the meal isn't filling because it lacks sufficient
calories, the calories have to come from protien, carbohydrate or fats.
Of these, calories from fat are the most concentrated. If you're
trying to fit the whole meal into one smoothie and make it filling, fats
are the way to go. But a great many people in the U.S. are trying to
get diets which are low in fats and get more of their calories from
protien and complex carbohydrate.

If you just want to make the smoothie more filling, I'd say add cream.
If you want to make it more healthy, I'd say put a nice portion of
broiled fish, brown rice, baked butternut squash, carrots and steamed
broccoli in a blender.
