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Nancy Young Nancy Young is offline
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Posts: 5,762
Default (2007-08-05) New survey on the RFC site: How do you hold your knife and fork

"ChattyCathy" > wrote

> Nancy Young wrote:

>> I switch. 99% of the time, anyway.

> Isn't that a bit "time consuming"? I use my fork in my left hand, and my
> knife in my right - always. Never had the need to switch them around to
> eat my food...

Heh, don't be offended, but when I see people eating the way you
mention, and I am well aware it is the way people eat in much of
the world, it has the appearance (to me) that they just can't shovel the
food into their mouth fast enough.

Put down the knife when I could be putting food into my mouth?
(laugh) Know what I mean? Yes, I also know that people who eat
that way think it looks awkward to switch. To each their own, so long
as they chew with their mouth closed, that's what I say.

> And I should have asked the contributor to add one more question:
> When "laying the table" for dinner - where do you place the knife and
> fork?
> Fork on the left and knife on the right
> Knife on the left and fork on the right
> Where do *you* place them?

Fork on the left, knife on the right.
