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Default (2007-08-05) New survey on the RFC site: How do you hold yourknife and fork

Julia Altshuler wrote:
> (snipperdoodles)
> I'm curious about how we learn these things. I don't recall my parents
> ever showing me how a knife and fork were used specifically. They'd
> correct me at the table if I did anything overtly disgusting, but they
> were lax about specifics. I do remember a time in elementary school
> when I was eating with a friend. I was holding my fork in my left fist
> and having trouble managing the meat. My friend's mother showed me how
> to hold the fork correctly. Other than that, I think I learned
> everything from observation. Now it's so ingrained that I'd have
> trouble using another method.
> --Lia

I recall being told to switch hands with my knife and fork. Knife in
left hand, fork in right, then cut the food. Then switch the fork to
the right hand and eat. That always seemed inefficient to me, but as a
kid when I tried to eat European style with the fork in my left hand (I
had copied a recent European house guest), my grandmother made point to
correct me. I always did what my grandmother told me to do as a kid,
especially at her dinner table <g>.


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