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Dave Smith[_2_] Dave Smith[_2_] is offline
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Default (2007-08-05) New survey on the RFC site: How do you hold yourknifeand fork

ChattyCathy wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
> >
> > I switch. 99% of the time, anyway.

> Isn't that a bit "time consuming"? I use my fork in my left hand, and my
> knife in my right - always. Never had the need to switch them around to
> eat my food...
> And I should have asked the contributor to add one more question:
> When "laying the table" for dinner - where do you place the knife and
> fork?
> Fork on the left and knife on the right
> Knife on the left and fork on the right

Switching the fork back and forth is an American thing, and very common in
Canada too. I faintly recall a movie about an American in occupied Europe
who is found out, or almost found out, when eating in a restaurant when
someone notices him using his left hand to hold the fork while cutting and
then switching the fork to the right hand.