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Jed[_1_] Jed[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 81
Default Cooking corned beef

On Sun, 5 Aug 2007 13:59:59 -0400, "biig" > wrote:

> I'm a first time buyer of a piece of corned beef and would appreciate any
>tips on doing it right. I have several recipes but could use some

The method that worked best for me was one David Rosengarten claimed,
on his old Food Network show Taste, was his father's method.

Put the corned beef in a pot and cover with water. Bring slowly to a
simmer. When it starts to simmer, pour out the water and repeat for a
total of three times.

Cover the corned beef again with water and add all its juices and
spices, then cook as directed on the package. Add onion, carrot,
garlic if desired, but don't add cabbage or potatoes.

When the corned beef is finished, put it into a preheated 300 degree
oven for 30 - 40 minutes lighly covered with foil.

Cook the cabbage and potatoes separately.


This method makes for a very tender, less greasy corned beef. I think
the oven treatment at the end tends to intensify the flavor by cooking
off some of the water the meat may have absorbed.