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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Can You Cook Stock TOO long?

On Sun, 5 Aug 2007 19:39:59 -0400, "cybercat" >

>Took five pounds of roasted leg quarters and divided them between two pots,
>filled with water, brought to a boil and then down to a two-bubble simmer.
>I could take them off after five hours, or leave them on.
>There is nothing else in there, I just wanted pure, concentrated chicken
>stock to freeze for soups and such.
>Thanks for any advice.

I have heard all sorts of things. Some folks think you get all the
flavor out of bones, meat after just a few hours...and that cooking it
longer will just make it taste tired.

Others think the longer the better, that it will be more robust after
say 12 hours.

Me, I vary. Sometimes I cook stock for a long time like overnight.
Other times, I take it off the heat after just a few hours.

I will be making veal stock tomorrow night, and I plan to let it
simmer all night long. I use a recipe by Madeline Kamman, and she
suggests that it is good to cook it longer.

Have you tried cooking it longer before? Might be worth it to see how
it turns out, just in comparison to what you have done previously.
