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Phred Phred is offline
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Default Dr Demento [Was: Chuckle of the Day (8-3-7)]

In article >, blake murphy > wrote:
>On Sun, 05 Aug 2007 11:12:29 GMT, (Phred)
>>In article >, blake murphy

> > wrote:

>>>there are a few 'live' streaming audio outlets on the 'net:
>>>this is the one i listen to, out of arizona:
>>>i realize that for you the time differential might make it dicey, but
>>>there it is. the show is a lot of fun. i'm sure there is software
>>>out there to capture the stream, but i'm just a junior grade computer

>>Thanks for those pointers, Blake. However, I have to say I haven't
>>really got into this streaming stuff. My ADSL broadband link isn't
>>very broad (I've given up on Andy's "movie" chuckles for example) and
>>this PC doesn't have a sound card, so trialing audio by itself isn't a
>>present option either. :-(

>yikes. i thought *i* had a steam-powered machine.
>i'm not sure what the difference between adsl and dsl is, but i have

I think the "a" stands for "asynchronous". But whether that makes for
a real difference, or whether it's just a pedantic acronym, I'll have
to leave to others too. My adsl is 256/64 FWIW.

>the latter and it's fast enough. audio takes a lot less than video.

Okay. I'll give it a go when I get wired for sound.

Cheers, Phred.
