Thread: Frozen pizzas
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George[_1_] George[_1_] is offline
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Default Frozen pizzas

Andy wrote:
> George said...
>> Andy wrote:
>>>> Agree that a pizza Margherita is great because it is minimilist.
>>>> If it is a frozen pizza wouldn't it have frozen tomato and basil?
>>> Aside from the round slices of cheese on top, it's really just a tomato
>>> and basil sauce.
>>> Andy

>> My comment was that since its a frozen pizza then the toppings really
>> aren't fresh.
>> I don't like pizzas where a sauce is used and a pizza Margherita is
>> typically made with slices of tomatoes and whole leaf basil(don't know
>> about the frozen one). Since 90% of what makes a pizza is the crust a
>> pizza Margherita can be really great because of the minimalist topping.

> I've never had a real Pizza Margherita (just TJ's sauced frozen version).
> Very interesting about the European Union and Protected designation of
> origin laws.
> So I guess it's not official until I eat one in Italy.
> Andy

If its sauced it isn't even close.

Its worth looking for an official version. The best come out of a hot
wood oven where they get some nice charring. We have two shops in my
area that have Pizza Margherita as their main offering and they bake
them in a wood fired oven.