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Phred Phred is offline
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Default (2007-08-05) New survey on the RFC site: How do you hold your knife and fork

In article >, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>"Phred" > wrote
>> But to return to the topic -- I was taught to use fork in left and
>> knife in right if the stuff needs cutting. And we don't chop it all
>> then eat like you do; we cut a bit off and stuff that down before
>> cutting off another bit.

>Who cuts up all their food at once? I don't know if it's
>bad manners or just frowned upon, but usually you just cut
>off your next bite. Cutting up the whole thing at once is what
>parents do for their small children.

G'day Nance,

I'm happy to be shown I'm wrong, but the impression we have here in Oz
is that "Americans" chop stuff up, then switch the fork to the other
hand to shovel the bits into the mouth. Are you saying they do this
one bite at a time? Or have I got my ethnics mixed?

Cheers, Phred.
