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margaret suran margaret suran is offline
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Posts: 378
Default (2007-08-05) New survey on the RFC site: How do you hold yourk...

Andy wrote:
> Denise in NH said...
>> she rests the fork "upside down" on the
>> plate and uses the knife to push the food onto the "back" of the fork
>> and puts the fork into her mouth upside down. Is this typical of
>> European eating too?

> Denise,
> I've read about stabbing foods with the fork and bringing it to the mouth
> with the fork facing down but putting items on the back of the fork seems
> like lots of accidents waiting to happen. I wouldn't dream of using either
> technique.
> That probably explains why my black tie invites are at an all time low? <G>
> Andy

Yes, but she forgot to say that the diner has to be eating while
standing on his head, with only one hand supporting him, so that the
food does not slide off the back of the fork. If it does, in spite of
all, the other hand is used to stop the sliding food from falling off. )

Andy, once you master this maneuver, your mail box will be stuffed to
the limit with black tie invitations.