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Mike Romain Mike Romain is offline
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Posts: 299
Default newbie questions

Jim wrote:
> On 5 Aug 2007, at 19:27, > wrote:
>>> Instead of attacking each others comments why not behave like adults
>>> and just answer the questions Paul asked in the 1st place.

>> I love that comment! You have my vote

> Ah, now I see the confusion. This isn't an election nor is it a TV game
> show like Big Brother. It's a discussion group. That's a group where
> people discuss ideas.
> It's interesting though that the ones that are implying that the people
> that participate so much over many years and give so much of the help in
> this group are childish. Now which ones are being personal and out of
> order? I think the ones that need to look at their choice of words are
> the ones throwing personal insults. Join in the discussion about bread
> and stop expecting people to be just how you want them to be. This is
> the real world not your personal VR game where you call the
> shots. Accept what the good people of this group offer as participation
> or if you don't have the good nature to do that just stop reading.
> Jim

Real world... here?????

Here on Usenet you still have your typical schoolyard bullies that never
grew up so they come to Usenet to bully folks here. In the 'real'
world, their actions would just get them a punch in the mouth or worse
these days, but here on Usenet they think they are 'free' to abuse as
'they' see fit because they feel 'safe' behind their computer instead of
feeling 'safe' behind 10 buddies like when they used to bully on the

This group isn't near as bad as some, that's for sure...
