(2007-08-05) New survey on the RFC site: How do you hold your knifeand fork
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blake murphy
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(2007-08-05) New survey on the RFC site: How do you hold your knife and fork
On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 12:24:38 GMT,
>In article >, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
>>"Phred" > wrote
>>> But to return to the topic -- I was taught to use fork in left and
>>> knife in right if the stuff needs cutting. And we don't chop it all
>>> then eat like you do; we cut a bit off and stuff that down before
>>> cutting off another bit.
>>Who cuts up all their food at once? I don't know if it's
>>bad manners or just frowned upon, but usually you just cut
>>off your next bite. Cutting up the whole thing at once is what
>>parents do for their small children.
>G'day Nance,
>I'm happy to be shown I'm wrong, but the impression we have here in Oz
>is that "Americans" chop stuff up, then switch the fork to the other
>hand to shovel the bits into the mouth. Are you saying they do this
>one bite at a time? Or have I got my ethnics mixed?
>Cheers, Phred.
i do a couple of bites at a time. no sense going hog wild.
your pal,
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blake murphy
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