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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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Default New World's Hottest Chili

On 5 Aug 2007 20:57:02 -0500, "Bob Terwilliger"
> wrote:

>Peter replied:
>>> The bhut jolokia beats the Red Savina
>>> in Scoville units.
>>> I'd sure like to get some of these.

>> This "the hotter the better" notion has always struck me as pure idiocy,
>> engaged in by the same people who own Hummers, buy penis-enlargement
>> pills, and own lots of guns. Heat is essential in some foods, and I love
>> it as much as anyone, but when you seek heat just for the sake of
>> outdoing someone else then you end up with food where the heat blanks
>> out all other flavors. What's the point? Why not try for the world's
>> saltiest food?

>Maybe he wanted to give it to someone else as a prank.
>I used to keep a bottle of this stuff on hand:
>...just to give to anyone fool enough to say, "Surprise me," when I offered
>them a drink.

i have an eight-ounce can of pimpjuice right here.

....unopened. i'm saving it for a household emergency.

your pal,