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Ophelia[_4_] Ophelia[_4_] is offline
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Default (2007-08-05) New survey on the RFC site: How do you hold your knife and fork

"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
. ..
> "Ophelia" > wrote
>> "Peter A" > wrote

>>>> I have been trying to adopt the "European" system simply to avoid all
>>> the switching between hands. I find that with the fork in my left hand I
>>> can do the simpler things, such as spearing a piece of chicken or
>>> tomato, but some things - for example, buttered peas - still require the
>>> greater dexterity of my right hand.

>> Hmmmm we either spear them or squash them onto the back of the fork if we
>> are in company, or we push them, with the knife onto the front of the
>> fork sideways.

> Heh, I remember as a child, my Scottish (from Scotland) grandfather
> teaching us kids to push peas onto our fork with our knife. For reasons
> I don't know this really ****ed off my father. I learned, don't push your
> peas with your knife.
> I sure wouldn't squish my peas, if nothing else I like to eat them whole.

then you must spear them))