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Default Seasonal Gardens at Home (long)

Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> Sky > wrote:
> > How many RFCers grow seasonal gardens for fresh produce? What do you
> > try to grow? Any special tricks or hints (for whatevers)?
> >
> > I'm trying to grow tomatoes this year again, but alas have not had much
> > luck.

> Where are you at? It may not be you, but the weather. Beefeater
> tomatoes (and any of those big juicy ones) cannot tolerate cool
> evenings. They grow, but don't set fruit without some spray. I like
> the cool evenings myself, but the tomatoes don't. Only early tomatoes
> will do OK here. The others don't set fruit until very late, and they
> are very cracked and ugly. Cherry tomatoes are generally early, so
> that's why I posted this. We have good luck with Early Girls. They
> produce tasty but small tomatoes for much of the season.

Zone 5. Sorry I forgot to mention that. I'm a half-hazard (haphazered?
NWOTD <g>) as a gardener. I transplant the whatever-seedlings
willy-nilly all over the place here and there and watch them grow - or
not grow! At least I know to provide water when it's dry ;>

Glad to know the problems with my tomato aren't related to "brown thumb
syndrome." <G>. Next year, I'll look for some of those "Early Girls"
and try those out.

My 'gardens' are very informal at best. The strawberries grew on their
own after I planted about 12 of them a few years ago - they're the
ever-bearing "Tribute" variety. The thistle like their company (the
strawberries') a lot, too. I try to keep those (the thistle) in check.
There's even a large, lone batch of volunteer black-eyed susans in there
with the strawberries.

The oregano plants are leftovers from a few years ago. They keep
resurrecting in surprising places nearby the original location
Everyone once in awhile, some volunteer cilantro pops up too!

The four basils are planted in thier own little location at the SE
corner of my house. The three cayenne pepper plants have their own spot
at the SW corner. And, I'm definitely gonna have to whack the hack (er,
heck!) outta that mint because it grows faster than weeds!

I just wish the tomatoes would come in. I've had a yen for freshly
sliced tomatoes right off the vine from the garden with a dollop of mayo
on top sprinkled with some paprika! And then, perhaps some pesto with a
zing of cayenne. Store-bought stuff just isn't the same. Farmers'
markets come close, but to me it's not the same as from my back yard (or
side or front yards too <g>).

Sky, the serious gardner <------ NOT!

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