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Bobo Bonobo® Bobo Bonobo® is offline
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Posts: 3,219
Default Years of Unwedded Bliss!

On Aug 6, 7:00 am, Julia Altshuler > wrote:
> I was thinking how nice it would be if we could put a summary of this
> thread in the FAQ so it wouldn't have to be repeated. Newcomers to the
> group, in addition to wanting to know how to convert measurements, might
> want to know who hates whom, who started it, who thinks someone else is
> a drunk, where the alliance lines are drawn, etc. It could be done as a
> chart with arrows pointing from name to another. Or we could construct
> a kicking order so we'd know who's at the bottom. I know I'd find it
> easier to keep the people straight that way.

That'd be pretty funny if someone took an hour or two and put that
together, but things are way too fluid for it to be valid.

My only issues with anyone here are over crappiness, like using bad
ingredients, trans-fatty shortenings, etc.
There is no excuse for posting a recipe that uses non-dairy whipped
topping (Cool Whip).
> --Lia
