Years of Unwedded Bliss!
On Mon, 06 Aug 2007 09:00:51 -0400, Julia Altshuler
> wrote:
>I was thinking how nice it would be if we could put a summary of this
>thread in the FAQ so it wouldn't have to be repeated. Newcomers to the
>group, in addition to wanting to know how to convert measurements, might
>want to know who hates whom, who started it, who thinks someone else is
>a drunk, where the alliance lines are drawn, etc. It could be done as a
>chart with arrows pointing from name to another. Or we could construct
>a kicking order so we'd know who's at the bottom. I know I'd find it
>easier to keep the people straight that way.
How about an award for the shortest post to incite a riot? I am still
amazed at the ability of "Congratulations!" to release such an
avalanche of pent-up anger.