Seasonal Gardens at Home (long)
Sheldon wrote:
> Bu no, you gotta make an ASSHOLE of yourself, a complete asshole, like
> I didn't already know you're an ignoranus ASSHOLE... they don't come
> any dumber than you.
> Blah, blah, blah... red herring city. STFU!
> One thing for absolute certain... had not a whit to do with growing
> zones, not even one teeny little iota. What could be the problem,
> just off hand I can think of at least forty thousand pertinent
> possibilities... but not anything to do with growing zone, not
> anything whatsoever, NADA!
> That's why people have problems, they haven't a clue, not even a hint
> of a clue, but they like to toss out BS, like zones,
> ****ing z o n e s... sounds important, eh... tells me yer a no IQ
> asshole. I got yer ****ing zones.
> Moroon!
Smooches. I love you, too.