newbie questions
On 6 Aug 2007, at 18:47, Mike Romain wrote:
> Sure they have power. They have the power to disrupt a group and they
> have the power to make folks feel unwelcome in a group. When folks
> leave or get ****ed at them, that justifies the power trip they are on
> in their own small minds so they start again with the next one that
> threatens 'their' way of doing things, imaginary or otherwise.
> I am a member of one Usenet group that has been totally overrun by
> 'bullies' making the group not usable due to all the flack one
> bully has
> had come back at him from 'imaginary' affronts. The ratio of abuse to
> real threads is well over 100 to one now. Anyone new browsing the
> group
> would just go away. This one bully actually thinks he is helping the
> group, not killing it and is so 'off' no one can convince him
> otherwise.
> Watching someone go senile over the course of a couple years is
> painful.
> Mike
Mike, life will never be perfect and people will absolutely never be
perfect especially in this nihilistic age that we are living in. To
try to control the minds of others as you are is a totally futile
exercise, I really do appreciate what you are saying and what you
would like to do but you just can't do it. To try to change everyone
in the world you have a problem with is apart from being incredibly
arrogant, rude and not to mention utterly ignorant as to the way we
see the world, it is akin to trying to cover the world in carpet in
order to protect your feet. It is much simpler to wear shoes, to
change the way you view others. Simply to accept their differences,
it is a much more civilised thing to do as well. After all you are
telling us by your voicing of your dislike of this 'unacceptable'
behaviour how civilised you are. No disrespect to you Mike but I have
seen such hypocrisy in other groups. It's fine to disregard another's
rites when we see that person as not what we would like. It's fine
for us to be far more uncivilised as the person we are focusing our
hostility onto when we think we are being moral. Well no, it's not.
Being a snob does not make you a civilised, respectable person.
Let's not get caught up in hypothetical people and long forgotten
events let's remember what we are talking about here and just review
for a moment what Caro has done. After all it is Caro who has
disrupted this thread, bringing it away from discussion bread. But
it's still Caro's rite to post, who am I to try to rally round a
lynching mob to stop him posting?
Personally I think this group is a very valuable group, sure there's
one or two that are very unpredictable. But so what? As I said it's
just text, we don't have to take it on board or take it seriously
just as you don't have to take on board all the junk mail you
receive. Imagine if you took the junk mail you got as seriously as
you take the people you dislike in the group. Imagine if you accepted
every drink offered to you at a party. We just don't do that outside
of these groups so why do we do it here? We have choices, we can
ignore what we don't like.
I'm not suggesting that we be totally uncaring in just ignore
everyone who doesn't fit our bill. I feel I have to say something
when I see someone making a total arse of themselves out of puffed up
pride, I can't always do anything to change it but sometimes a right
word said at the right time can make a chink in that ego's armour. So
we just have to get along, NOT BE PERSONAL to others in the name of
being right, forgive and forget.