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Pandora Pandora is offline
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Default Finally my SUPER CRISPY fried potatoes SECRET and recipe.

"Paul M. Cook" > ha scritto nel messaggio

>>> It is, but too much for tonight. All will be revealed in time.

>> I can pay in Euro DDDDDD!!!!!

> You have a deal, my friend. I can be bought. Money, food, it's all
> good.

OKKKK!!!!! I will pay you in nature ...
...(nature food. Ofcourse DD)

>>>> Also a sprinkle of sea salt???? Is it a new secret? tell me also this
>>>> tip, please!

> Salt and potatoes go together like a man and woman. Seemingly
> incompatible, but truthfully inseparable - independent but conjoined,
> unique but only in comparison. Some things are just a natural match and
> are lost without each other.

OHHHHHHHHH! What beautiful words yuo say!!
I love very much salt on fried potatoes. But I know people which prefer them
without. It's awful, IMO!


>> Ohhh! I Am very confused! And surprised! I will shaw you a pic. So we
>> will understand if I have understood
>> You are very kind to have all this patience to explain to me all these
>> things

> Not at all, it's my pleasure. I can understand what a potato can do to
> the human soul; especially perfectly fried, crispy on the outside and
> tender on the inside. And so do you. Perhaps in another place, in
> another time?

I AGREE!!! Crispy out and tender inside : just like me DDDDDDD!!!!!
Tell me. How much do you want to tell me ? DDDDDDD


>> Well! We coudn't never be married (((( ((( DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

> Perhaps that is true, my dear, but think of how good the potatoes would
> taste.? A life of sin could taste as sweet. Idaho, russets, reds, Yukon
> Gold, whites, purple - all could be ours. But perhaps the stars just are
> not in our favor?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Potatoes like stars!!!!! My life
it's a big potatoe...with or without you... (like U2) I think )))


> I will always remember tonight, it was magical in a starchy, crispy kind
> of way. I am so glad to know I am not alone in my love of the potato.
> Few can understand, but you however, know of what I speak. I can never be
> the same man again no matter what potato pancake recipe I use. It was
> magic, my mysterous friend.

Pleased to have met you my "mysterious friend" too!!!! Yes. From now we will
have a lot of Crispy and good potatoes
You are very very NICE! Have a good day my dear and thank you for this nice

Many and many Kisses