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TammyM[_1_] TammyM[_1_] is offline
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Default Finally my SUPER CRISPY fried potatoes SECRET and recipe.

On Tue, 07 Aug 2007 10:07:57 GMT, "Paul M. Cook" >
>My only comment is that you'd have been my slave had you tasted my potato
>chips. I too discovered the secret, just by trial and error. I would use a
>mandolin to shave the chips into ice water and let it sit for an hour give
>or take. A sprinkle of sea salt. Then two fryings, because the oil cools so
>fast. It worked for all kinds of shapes, my favorite being waffle cut. And
>before I knoew it was fashionable I ate them with mayo mixed with mustard.

You had me right up until the part with mayo mixed with .... <gag>

>I'd have owned you after one chip. And you know what they say about potato

Provided that YOU provided the proper condiments of either malt
vinegar or tomato ketchup!

>But to be fair, the Belgians got there first.

Too true. Best fries I've ever had were in Belgium. Served with
mayo. I cheated and used some malt vinegar on mine :-)
