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Dimitri Dimitri is offline
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Default Sushi for picnics?

"Peter A" > wrote in message
In article >,
> That being said, the problem I have with sushi for a picnic has more to do
> with
> the uncooked fish if here is any present in the sushi. The other problem I
> see
> has to do with the cooler and the ability to keep food out of the "food danger
> zone" which IIRC is over 41 degrees. See below:
> Bacteria, or other germs, need time, food and moisture (or wetness) to grow;
> but
> they won't grow when the temperature of the food is colder than 41º F or
> hotter
> than 140º F. The temperatures in between 41º and 140º are in the "Danger
> Zone."
> Keep potentially hazardous foods out of the "Danger Zone!" For example, when
> food is left in the "Danger Zone", bacteria can grow fast, and make poisons
> that
> can make your customers and family very sick.

You totally misunderstand how the "danger zone" works. Bacteria do not
stop growing below 41 - they stop only when the food is frozen. Rather,
their growth is slower at colder temperatures. Some gummint bburocrat
arbitrarily chose 41 degrees. Food stored at 41 has a extremely slightly
greater change of spoiling than food stored at 40, and food stored at 39
has slightly smaller change of spoiling than food stored at 40. It's not
like, as you seem to believe, that food at 40 doesn't spoil and food at
41 does.

If sushi (with fish) had been at 42 for 2 hours I would not bat an eye
at it, but at 80 for 1 hours I would not touch it. Yet, both were in the
danger zone.

Peter Aitken


WASH YOUR HANDS!!! Hand washing is the most important step you or the sushi chef
can take when preparing sushi to protect yourself and others from communicable

Store all seafood and raw fish in a refrigerator at a temperature of 41º F or
below at all times.

Sushi rice that is not prepared with vinegar should be maintained cold at 41º F
or below to prevent bacteria from growing on it. Preparing sushi rice with
vinegar as part of an approved recipe lowers the pH of the rice, making it more
acidic and reducing the risk of bacterial growth.

Prevent cross-contamination by physically separating raw from cooked product.
Use separate knives, cutting boards, and rolling mats for raw seafood,
vegetables, and cooked foods.

Refrigerate sushi rolls and sashimi as you finish preparing them and before
serving them.

Wash, rinse, and sanitize all utensils and surfaces after you are finished
preparing the sushi.

High-Risk Individuals

Individuals who have compromised immune systems, men and women of reproductive
age, and pregnant women should limit their intake of raw fish and seafood, or
avoid it entirely, due to potential bacterial and mercurial (mercury)

For more information on mercury contamination: