Sushi for picnics?
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Peter A
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,442
Sushi for picnics?
In article >,
> Preparation
> WASH YOUR HANDS!!! Hand washing is the most important step you or the sushi chef
> can take when preparing sushi to protect yourself and others from communicable
> disease.
> Store all seafood and raw fish in a refrigerator at a temperature of 41º F or
> below at all times.
> Sushi rice that is not prepared with vinegar should be maintained cold at 41º F
> or below to prevent bacteria from growing on it. Preparing sushi rice with
> vinegar as part of an approved recipe lowers the pH of the rice, making it more
> acidic and reducing the risk of bacterial growth.
Numbskull. Why don't you respond to my posting instead of pasting some
text from a web site?
Sushi rice is ALWAYS prepared with vinegar, that's the definition of
sushi. No vinegar, not sushi.
Washing one's hands, gee, who would have guessed. Thanks a lot.
Peter Aitken
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Peter A
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