Dolphin Korean Restaurant in Chicago
In article .net>, Can Altinbay
>What part of rapist taking the gun away don't you understand?
What part of why would the woman let him, don't you understand?
You obviously have a profound level of contempt for women.
>> Assuming for argument's sake that you're actually a woman, why do you have
>> a low opinion of the intelligence and common sense of women?
>What does intelligence have to do with the rapist forcibly taking the gun?
Why would an intelligent woman LET him?
Why are you so contemptuous of women?
>> And just as an aside, I thought this was a newsgroup devoted to food and
>> restaurants....
>You're the one with the gun control sig. if you don't want it pointed out,
>don't put it there.
You can always tell a troll: they fixate on signatures they can't refute to the
exclusion of the subject matter of the newsgroup.
Gun control, the theory that 110lb. women should have to fistfight with 210lb.