Making tomato sauce
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Peter A
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,442
Making tomato sauce
In article .com>,
> My tomatoes are ripe, and usually I cook the tomatoes down to make
> "sauce," and them freeze it. I was thinking I could just chop them up
> in my food processor, and then freeze it. Would using the food
> processor instead of cooking them make any difference in the texture?
> By cooking I reduce the amount of liquid.
> Tom
My understanding is that you want to cook, even if only briefly, any
veggies you want to freeze. Apparently this destroys enzymes that can
continue to degrade the produce even when frozen.
My approach is to roughly chop the tomatoes, cook them down for an hour
or two (adding some salt), then put them thru a food mill to remove
skins and seeds.
Peter Aitken
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Peter A
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