"Losing it' in the kitchen...
"> After the last adventure with rotted spuds, I started refrigerating them.
> I have the space.
> Problem is, we don't eat them that often. I've started buying them by
> the lb. now rather than by the bag.
> The stench is indeed unreal. Worse than rotted meat.
> --
> Peace, Om
A few weeks ago I noticed a bin of potatoes at the grocery store - Yellow,
Yukon Gold, I believe they call them -- I started to pick up a bag and
noticed the potatoes smelled like some'thing' had peed all over them. It was
so gross. On examination, they looked very, very fresh.
Then I took a 'sniff' at another bag of different kind of potatoes in the
same condition, and they had the same smell, only much fainter.
What the heck are they doing, carrying these potatoes in pig-farm trucks?
Phew! Lordy!
Dee Dee