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JoeSpareBedroom JoeSpareBedroom is offline
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Default Personal responsibility with food...

"Omelet" > wrote in message
> Sorry, but I've heard from people recently that McD's new "Trans-fat
> free" fries suck. I've not tried them.
> Everybody has to take personal responsibility for their diets/lives and
> I don't give a rats ass how "healthy" any one food item is supposed to
> be, if it tastes like crap, why waste the calories?
> This video is the perfect example of how people make their own choices.
> Would _I_ eat it?
> Maybe once, just for the bragging rights.
> Just like funnel cakes. ;-)
> As a regular diet item? No way in hell, unless I was suicidal.
> I'm glad that I happen to enjoy a healthy diet for the most part, but
> even I like some bad stuff once in awhile, and that should be MY choice,
> not some vote whore in Washington DC.
> Outlawing Trans-fat oil is just stupid, wrong, ignorant and the perfect
> example of "PC" gone WAY overboard. Allowing lawmakers to make dietary
> choices for is is wrong wrong wrong:
> --
> Peace, Om

If a substance is everywhere in food, we have LESS choices available for
avoiding it. Therefore, it's GOOD that trans fats are vanishing. You were
wrong about this.