How to make perfect eggs over easy?
On Aug 6, 9:33 pm, "The Joneses" > wrote:
> "AQ" > wrote in message
> >> On Aug 6, 7:09 pm, pamjd > wrote:
> >> What is the secret to making eggs over easy like the restaraunts?
> >> (clipped for brevity)
> > Small, 7" non-stick saute. Med heat. Then 1-2 T of oil or clarified
> > butter. 2 (fresh) eggs, cracked in a bowl. Add oil. Add eggs. ** flip
> > when outer white is setting, but inner white is still translucent**
> > This will protect the yolk upon landing. count to 10. Pull eggs off
> > the heat. Wait 30 sec. blot excess oil. slid on plate.
> > That's it. Add enough oil and don't wait too long to flip. When you're
> > ready.. tilt the pan back letting the eggs slide to the lip and flip
> > gently but firmly
> My recommendations to above:
> -Get the small non-stick pan. Heavy for its size. Get a longer plastic
> spatula thingie. Use glop of oil size of small coin. I don't need much
> -Preheat pan on med/med-low heat, too high eggs get crispy or
> tough, too low and you starve after breaking yokes. Find the right
> temp for you on your stove. Dip the spatula in the oil.
> -I skip the egg to bowl business, but I usually have fresh eggs and
> I'm careful cracking them.
> -I wait until egg starts to get bubbly around the edge, ease the edges
> up with the spatula to let a little oil under. Keep cooking until when
> you shake the pan a bit it shakes eggs loose. I want a little bit of
> doneness on that one side to keep the eggs from breaking.
> -Slip spatula under, flip eggs. The hard part, no?
> -Cook a minute or so more, I usually poke at the white near the yoke
> to make sure it's not icky anymore. Time things until you know what's
> right. Then slide onto plate. Pass the ketchup.
> Edrena
For, me working in a hotel, cracking the eggs into a bowl lets me
check for any shell fragments, discard broken eggs before they hit the
pan and the eggs hit the heat at the same time. But at home no one is
going to make you re do the eggs if they're not perfect! And
personally I think use a bit more oil until the new egg cook has
learned to contol the heat and flip the eggs, just gives you that
little more room for error. YMMV