Question about recipe
Scott wrote:
> >
> > Butchaknowwhat? I know a number of folks (relatives, neighbor) who
> > *must* have a recipe and then they follow it to the letter. They lack
> > confidence in their ability to improvise.
> You hit the nail right on the head...but I'm starting to gain confidence.
> I really admire people who can just 'whip' up a dish and know what and
> how much spices and herbs to use in a dish. What hurts me is I'm not the
> adventurous type...I like to play it safe.
It just takes experience and a sense of taste. Recipes and ingredients
vary and after a while you develop an understanding for the way flavours
melt. Recipe vary a lot. Herbs and spices vary in strength and flavour. I
use recipes as guidelines and adjust them according to the number of
servings I cooking. Most recipes are for 4-6 people and most of the time I
cook for two so I have to adjust.