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hahabogus hahabogus is offline
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Default Albuquerque Cook-In Question

Christine Dabney > wrote in

> Not even a drop of limoncello?

Saw a vodka recipe called 44 ??? (something french) on food tv Canadian
Version ...into 1 orange (looked like a large navel orange) you make 44
slits just large enough to insert 44 whole roasted coffee beans ...put
the coffee-beaned orange in a mason jar...with a undisclosed amount of
sugar cubes (suspect 44 cubes but that seems excessive) cover with
contents of 1 vodka bottle, put on lid, shake 44 times, store in a cool
dark place and shake it up once daily for 44 days, filter into a clean
sealable serving vessel/vodka bottle. It turns lightly amber and tastes
of orange and coffee.

My version would be into a sealable suitable jar add 1 bottle of vodka
and 1/2 cup sugar...put on lid and shake vigorously till sugar is
dissolved (or use a stick blender). Cut into 2 halves a navel orange and
put both halves in the jar; add 44 dark roasted coffee beans put on the
jar lid and shake it up. Put jar in a cool dark place and shake it up
once daily for 3 months. Taste and add sugar if not sweet enough.


The house of the burning beet-Alan

It'll be a sunny day in August, when the Moon will shine that night-
Elbonian Folklore