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Paul M. Cook[_1_] Paul M. Cook[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 554
Default WalMart killed our Jewel

"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> Paul M. Cook wrote:
> > They are brutal to deal with and bully entire city councils. They
> > demand huge concessions from the cities, often demand to be exempted
> > from rules governing zoning and waste removal, they get massive tax
> > breaks, they demand and get zoning variances that tear up
> > neighborhoods

> The city council and zoning boards cannot be bullied unless they *want*
> to be bullied. All they have to say is "No" and Walmart (or any other
> business that wants to build) is out of luck.

Not at all. Wrong on all levels. Wal-Mart plays on the national level.
Many municipalities rely on federal money for some operations. Wal-Mart has
many lobbyists in DC paying off politicians to do their bidding. If a city
does not go along with Wal-Mart's wishes, they demand that the city be
punished and vital funds withheld. Wal-Mart can put the screws to city
councils in many, many ways. We had them do this recently in Hawthorne, CA.
Wal-Mart was acting like the mafia, promising vast damage if they didn;t get
their way. Well the city put Wal-Mart's new superstore to a voter and it
was struck down mightily. Did Wal-Mart give up? Hell no, they sent an army
of lawyers to the city to force them to be given a grant of land, exemption
from taxes, exemption from zoning laws and exemption from environmental

It is call fascism - and that is what our government is now. Wal-Mart makes
the rules - it is play by their rules or get destroyed. They are a vicious
corporation that has all the money they need to bribe, extort and coerce
their wishes anywhere, anytime and in any way they want. It is very hard,
and getting harder to fight them.
