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raymond[_2_] raymond[_2_] is offline
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Default Whole Foods cheaper than Ukrop & Food Dog!

On Wed, 08 Aug 2007 10:18:51 -0600, Christine Dabney
> wrote:

>On Wed, 08 Aug 2007 08:23:01 -0700, tbs48 > wrote:
>>Imagine our surprise to find that better produce than one can get in
>>Richmond is cheaper at WF.

>When I was in Richmond this past spring I was just blown away by the
>prices of produce and other stuff there. I know Ukrops is praised in
>that area, and it sorta runs the show there... But the quality isn't
>that great for a lot of things, the selection was more limited and the
>prices were outa sight. I was in shock.
>Guess I have been living out west too long. Even two states away from
>the west coast in NM, the cost is way lower than in Richmond. There is
>more variety, and the selection is better. The farther west you go,
>it gets even better!
>Here, WF prices are higher than the other stores....
>I think a lot of folks in the Richmond area are just used to the
>higher prices and the limited variety. And while Ukrops does have
>good service, a lot of things in that store are just mediocre.

Ukrop's can keep the grocery, here in Florida Publix beats them, but I
wish we had Ukrop's deli, and I wish we could get White House rolls.