Question about recipe
On Wed, 08 Aug 2007 10:04:46 -0500, Melba's Jammin'
> wrote:
>In article >,
> Goomba38 > wrote:
>> Scott wrote:
>> > You hit the nail right on the head...but I'm starting to gain confidence.
>> > I really admire people who can just 'whip' up a dish and know what and
>> > how much spices and herbs to use in a dish. What hurts me is I'm not the
>> > adventurous type...I like to play it safe.
>> Why? What exactly is lost if you stray from a recipe? A few dollars at
>> most if it is a *total* flop, which it rarely is? What you'll gain in
>> experience and understanding of food far outweighs the risks to me.
>Ah, but there's the rub. You are an experienced and confident cook and
>like it that way. Who knows why he's not adventurous ‹ and does it
>matter? Who knows what plays out in his head if he deviates from a
>plan? Maybe he's got a real scary Be Perfect driver in his head. :-)
>My sister was married to a jerk for way too many years ‹ he wouldn't eat
>leftovers, he wouldn't eat chicken more than once every three weeks, he
>wouldn't eat this, he had to have that, he wouldn't eat that. Jesus,
>Mary, and Joseph! She had no incentive to deviate from a recipe ‹ he
>might not like it and would make a stink. It was the price of peace in
>the house. The asshole has been dead for several years now and she
>still bears the psychological marks of life with him.
was there an autopsy done? maybe she forced him to eat a little
cilantro with strychnine.
your pal,