On Aug 8, 4:44 pm, "Nancy Young" > wrote:
> "Bobo Bonobo®" > wrote
> > On Aug 8, 1:59 pm, Andy <q> wrote:
> >> seen ripened avos there. The ACME avos are priced to rot. Not bad if you
> >> need fast guac but at that price, not for me, I'll buy a pack of
> >> AvoClassic
> >> first.
> > Avoclassic is pig food.
> Have you ever had it?
I would not put "guacamole" in my mouth that was made with vinegar.
Avocadoes get weird pretty quickly once exposed to air. They are like
bananas in that underripe is bad, overripe is bad, and once you peel
them, if you don't eat them right away they get icky. I know you
don't believe it is made with vinegar, but it is.
"AvoClassic Guacamole
This product is as close to an acceptable fresh guacamole as we have
found. The avocado is mashed and chunky, not pureed and there are
only a few additives of jalapenos, vinegar, onion, salt and granulated
"Fresh is best but this is not bad if you need guacamole fast and you
can't find any ripe avocados."
Vinegar is NEVER an acceptable substitute for lemon or lime juice.
> nancy