"Losing it' in the kitchen...
Dan Abel > wrote in news:dabel-A3DB22.13532108082007@c-
> In article > ,
> PeterLucas > wrote:
>> ChattyCathy > wrote in
>> :
>> >and can go up to over
>> > ZAR1000 (AUD165) per bottle for "medal winning" stuff - but not too
>> > many of the bottle stores stock the really expensive wines, you
>> > to know where to look. The restaurants rip us off of, course.
>> > usually double up the prices. LOL
>> Which is why I usually pick BYO's.
> A restaurant here that only charges double the retail is considered
> reasonable. If you bring your own, they have a "corkage" charge,
> is often US$10.00 or more.
We have places around like that too. The places I like to frequent
either have no corkage, or minimal. I refuse to pay more than AUD$5
corkage per bottle.
Peter Lucas
"People sleep safely in their beds because rough men stand ready in
the night to do violence to those who would do them harm"
-- George Orwell