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TammyM[_1_] TammyM[_1_] is offline
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Default OT: Ping OM (was Getting paid to do it)

On Wed, 08 Aug 2007 21:06:15 -0500, Omelet >

>In article .com>,
> Bobo Bonobo® > wrote:
>> My one nephew was telling me that he's pretty sure that his brother
>> (my other nephew) was going to open a restaurant after he finishes
>> college. There's not really any question that I'd be cooking for
>> him. These are the nephews who showed me that mayonnaise can be a
>> nice thing, and not at all like that disgusting crap you get in a jar.
>> As much as I like my current job (custodian at a church), at 46 I have
>> no problem with stacking and unstacking 300+ chairs in a day. At 56,
>> well, that might not be the case. At 66, I really don't think I'll be
>> wanting to do that.
>> I'd enjoy doing breakfast every day, and sometimes lunch. I can tell
>> you one thing, my nephew would never ask me to use crappy ingredients.
>> --Bryan

>I hope it does not ruin it for you. :-)
>Sometimes doing a hobby as "work" makes it not so much fun anymore.
>That happened to me with handcrafted Jewelry when I started doing ebay
>and making Rosaries.

Do you still do this, Om? I'd love to see your work.


Lentils with pasta and caramelised onions
by Claudia Roden
from Arabesque

Serves 4-6
Preparation time less than 30 mins Email this recipe
Cooking time 10 to 30 mins

1 large onion, sliced
6-7 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
100g/3½oz large green or brown lentils, rinsed
100g/3½oz dry tagliatelle nests
salt and freshly ground black pepper
large handful chopped flatleaf parsley


1. Fry the onion in two tablespoons of oil until brown and
caramelised, stirring often. It is a good idea to start frying with
the lid on - this allows it to soften more quickly.
2. Boil the lentils in plenty of water until just tender - read the
instructions on the packet and watch the cooking carefully.
3. Break the tagliatelle into pieces and drop them into the pan with
the lentils - there should be enough water to cover them. Add salt,
stir and boil vigorously until the pasta is cooked al dente.
4. When the pasta is cooked, drain quickly, and toss gently with the
remaining olive oil, a little salt and freshly ground black pepper,
the fried onions and the parsley. Serve.