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Dee Dee Dee Dee is offline
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Posts: 2,463
Default WalMart killed our Jewel

> That is because other stores respect your rights. They know they have no
> right and they know that it creates a bad impression. But when it comes to
> WalMart, a company that forces employees to work off the clock and through
> their breaks, who spies on employees, who closes stores rather than let
> their employees unionize, your rights mean nothing.

If a greeter wants to speak to me and asks me to do thus and so when I go in
Walmart, I'll turn around and leave without a word; maybe I'll kick the
tires, but I won't deal with such insanity.

If a greeter wants to stop me while I'm going out after I've shopped,
they'll have to chase me down into the parking lot and go the whole route;
but I'm not stopping for anyone at Walmart. There rules are for Walmart --

Mad as hell, and not going to take it anymore,
Dee Dee