Dave Smith wrote:
> But seriously..... I do most of the cooking and my wife washes the dishes.
> I do them occasionally. I have a nice view out my kitchen window. My
> neighbour has a 5 acre front lawn and I can't even see his house looking
> out the window. Past his lawn is a nice tree nursery, and beyond that is a
> hardwood forest. Once in a while I see deer pr turkeys roaming around.
In the mornings, I see the small birds come and perch on the veranda
railing and "chirp" at me. (We usually feed them wild birdseed and when
they see me through the window they come to remind me that they are very
hungry....) Sometimes I see an Ibis or two - and several pairs of
crowned plovers have moved in. Oh, and plenty of guinea fowl too.
Chatty Cathy
Garlic: the element without which life as we know it would be impossible