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ChattyCathy ChattyCathy is offline
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Default Correcting others' grammar

Felice Friese wrote:

> Perhaps, Peter, people are simply "touchy" about having their grammatical
> errors corrected in public. If you truly feel they would appreciate your
> criticism, you could email them or post a grammar hint in a separate thread
> addressed to the newsgroup as a whole.

Heh. I think that a "grammar hint thread" would be about as popular as a
pork chop in a Synagogue around here, as it would have to be considered
OT - and you know how people just "love" OT posts in this newsgroup.

> I am a retired newspaper editor and never once corrected a reporter's
> grammar within anyone else's hearing. I spoke to them privately or posted a
> general note (usually light in tone) on the newsroom bulletin board.
> Examples:
> "An antiques dealer is one who deals in antiques; an antique dealer is
> one who is at least 100 years old and is unlikely to be dealing in
> anything."
> "The period belongs within the quotation marks. Period. Take it from the
> women's editor, who knows all about periods."

LOL! Good examples.

Chatty Cathy

Garlic: the element without which life as we know it would be impossible