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blake murphy blake murphy is offline
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Default WalMart killed our Jewel

On Thu, 09 Aug 2007 10:43:58 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>jmcquown wrote:
>> >

>> I'm with you, Nancy. You can buy cat litter at any drug store, any grocery
>> store, any dollar store. No one is going to question whether the hat on my
>> head or the purse on my shoulder is *mine* when I walk in the door. Sorry,
>> it's not airport security... it's WalMart.

>Now that you mention it, that was one of the things that first turned me
>off WalMart, their having a "greeter" who wants to search your bags. I
>resent the assumption that I may be shoplifting. While they have reason to
>be concerned about theft they have no right to search my things just
>because I am in the store. If they have seen me shove something in a bag
>and walk out without paying for it that is a different matter, but they
>have no right to search without cause.

incorrect. wal-mart is not the government; you have no fourth
amendment rights there.

(of course, your fourth amendment rights are dwindling under the
government, but that's another story.)

do you think shoplifters have some kind of tattoos on their foreheads
that say 'search me, i'm a thief?'

whether it's good business practice to search mild-mannered citizens
such as yourself is another question. but they most certainly have
the right to do so.

your pal,