Cleaning Pyrex dishes_Need Tips
"Vox Humana" > wrote in
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Vox Humana wrote:
>> > "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> > ...
>> >> John Gaughan wrote:
>> >>> ShivaTiger wrote:
>> >>>> So, I'm wondering if anybody has some good ways to clean those
>> >>>> Pyrex baking dishes after they got build up crud on them?
>> >>>
>> >>> Soak them in hot water and dishsoap for an hour or two. Scrub and
>> >>> rinse, soak again. Scrub and rinse. Then run them through a cycle
>> >>> in the dishwasher. This works for me, although I am anal about
>> >>> soaking them right away after use.
>> >>>
>> >>> I am sure the other suggestions about lye and oven cleaner will
>> >>> work, but this way is a bit safer. Those other cleaners can hurt.
>> >>
>> >> Okay, I'm not bashing you. But the OP said they didn't want to
>> >> have to scrub and scrub. I wouldn't use lye but the home use oven
>> >> cleaners are safe enough if you don't spray them on yourself. I'd
>> >> be sure to wear rubber gloves and I would spray the pan *before* I
>> >> put it into the garbage bag. Fumes, doncha know.
>> >
>> > The oven cleaner will do bad things to your skin, so gloves are a
>> > good idea. You can also use the bag to manipulate the item.
>> > Definitely don't spray before it goes in the bag because you will
>> > just have a mess. Unfortunately, I find that the cleaner in the
>> > yellow can (original) is much better than the fume-fee stuff in the
>> > blue can. I also think that scrubbing with abrasives is ultimately
>> > counterproductive. Once a surface has been abraded it will stain
>> > more easily. Scrubbing leads to the need for more scrubbing.
>> So do you recommend a face mask? I'm not being facetious, but before
>> I
> got
>> a self-cleaning oven and sprayed that oven cleaner, the fumes
>> literally
> made
>> me choke.
> I think that the bag minimizes the fumes, but a mask wouldn't hurt. I
> suppose in lieu of a mask, good ventilation would help. I have the
> occasional choking fit if I'm not careful. I wish I could find the
> old oven cleaner that came in a jar with a brush. There wasn't a
> problem with the stuff being aerosolized. I looked online thinking
> that someone, somewhere must still sell the paint-on cleaner, but no
> luck. Being a compulsive neat freak is hazardous to your health!
You might try writing to Easy-Off, who was one of the manufacturers of
the brush-on cleaner. I seem to recall seeing it online not so long ago,
but I cannot remember where.