Thread: Mayonnaise
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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Mayonnaise

zxcvbob said...

> I know how to make mayonnaise, but (except for in egg salad) I like
> Miracle Whip better. (It's what I grew up with) Especially the old
> Miracle Whip that had soybean oil as the first ingredient instead of the
> second. So what do I need to mix into homemade mayo to make homemade
> Salad Dressing. Corn starch and water paste, paprika, and sugar?
> Thanks,
> Bob


Late to the thread.

This doesn't apply to your question but it's worthy of your consideration at

I see-saw between mayo and miracle whip depending on diet.

Currently in diet mode, I've found TJ's tub of garlic hummus to be a miracle
substitute nutritional and flavorwise.

It's substituted for ketchup, mustard and mayo with great results.

It's been great for tuna salad sandwiches, on chicken, etc., etc.

I have no problem with miracle-whip-free, except some of the artificialness
of it.


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