Hello all,
I'm looking for some feedback. I've started a website. My intention
with Foodiepost.com is to share some great food links I come across
every day. Friends know I'm a constant resource of food info on the
web. This site started innocently enough. Sometimes, at a get-
together, I'd scratch on a coffee napkin a URL focusing food industry
info and to another friend I'd give a URL for a recipe site. Other
times I'd have friends wanting to know where I get my food news. That
became the toughest. "...oh you'll have to go to the Washington Times
online... click on such-and-such tab then go to such-and-such date,"
I'll tell them. I became like a living food-news portal or
something... constantly emailing out sources of foodie tidbits I'd see
from my surfing. So finally, I came to realization that I needed a
blog or something. I decided to put together a website where I could
control the design format. And here it is, the Foodie Post.