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Dan Dan is offline
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Posts: 104
Default Getting paid to do it

jmcquown wrote:
> merryb wrote:
>> It's pretty clear, and makes plenty of sense, unless you're drinking!

> You don't know a damn thing about my drinking habits. It is simple
> NETIQUETTE to quote a portion of what you are replying to, you stupid
> newbie. That way people know what the hell you are talking about/replying
> to. Obviously no one knows what goes on in that simpering mind of yours
> other than having your brains pureed by a post Damsel made (Heh, YES... NOW
> I'm posting about Damsel!) insinuating I am a drunk. You have no idea about
> my drinking habits. Ask her about that "Crash" of hers... a flaming
> alchoholic.
> Guess what? Just got off the phone with kili (Christy). So much for what
> Damsel knows about anything. Kili is, at this moment, preparing German
> potato salad and cole slaw to take to a cook-in with some friends in Tampa.
> Their friend Jim will be making something very similar to Frogmore Stew.
> She doesn't like sausage so we laughed when I told her just pick around it
> and get the crab and the shrimp. Oh, and she likes the corn on the cob.
> Yeah, gee, kili hates me. Right.
> Jill

You are waaay out there. Time for AA.