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Default Ping---Kili ....Help w/Hawaiian Appetizer Suggestions

On Thu, 9 Aug 2007 10:46:36 -0400, "kilikini"
> wrote:

>KW wrote:
>> Kili,
>> We have been invited to a Luau-themed party this weekend and I'm
>> looking for recommendations for a traditional appetizer. My first
>> thought was to use your Kahlua Pig recipe and make finger
>> sandwiches....but I'm open to any suggestions.....keeping in mind
>> that it'll be a yard full of N. GA Mountain Howlies (sp) :-) whose
>> tastes might not appreciate the more exotic....not to mention it is
>> an hour drive for me to procure good squid, etc.
>> Google brought this up which I thought was an interesting twist, but
>> perhaps not traditional Hawaiian fare.

>> Thanks,
>> Keith
>> ps. can you repost the Kahlua Pig recipe? I seemed to have misplaced
>> it <Grrr>

>Ooooooh, no the Kalua pig spring roll recipe isn't traditional fare, but
>dang, it sounds good! LOL. I'm going to have to save that one. Thanks for
>the link.
>Most luau's don't have an appetizer unless you consider Mai Tai's the app or
>pupu as we call an appetizer in Hawaii. The feature is the imu
>roasted/steamed pig (the fake oven recipe will follow) mixed with wilted
>cabbage, and what is traditionally served with it is: potato-mac salad
>(yes, they use both potatoes and macaroni in a heavy mayo base), lomi-lomi
>salmon (raw salmon with onions, seaweed and such), chicken long rice (bean
>thread noodles with chicken bits - kind of like a chicken soup thing),
>sticky rice and/or fried rice, poi, sweet potatoes, chinese fried noodles,
>taro rolls, chicken or pork lau lau (steamed chicken or pork wrapped in
>banana and or luau leaves), fruit salad, and the finale is Haupia - a
>coconut pudding.
>Now, to make the Kalua Pig....
>Get a pork butt or shoulder and stick it in a dutch oven. Rub it thoroughly
>with sea salt. Add in a cup of water and the equivalent of a can of chicken
>broth - homemade stock is fine. For the smokey flavor (cover your eyes, you
>BBQ efficianados), toss in about 1/3 of a cup of liquid smoke. Yes, liquid
>smoke. I said it. :~)
>Put the lid on the pot and put into the oven at about 275 degrees. It's a
>low and slow process, but it smells so good while it's cooking! The pork is
>done when it easily pulls. The next step is to chop up the green cabbage.
>You can leave the cabbage raw if you place the hot pulled pork directly over
>the cabbage; the heat from the pork will wilt it.
>Meanwhile, when you take the pork out of the pot, you're going to think that
>there will be way too much greasy liquid in the mix, but don't throw out the
>juice! When you're done pulling the pork, you want to pour some of that
>juice back into the pork so the pork and cabbage soaks in it. Every time
>you get an order of kalua pork in Hawaii, it's sopping in the juice. Plus,
>you serve the pork and cabbage over white sticky rice and the rice absorbs a
>bunch of the liquid. You never want dried kalua pig.
>Here's a link to some I made a while ago..
>Hope this helps!

You couldn't have asked a better person for help than kili. I did the
same thing when I needed help with a Hawaiian theme party.
Here's what she helped me with. Hope this is helpful for you also.

updated 8/08

"There is no love more sincere than the love of food"
George Bernard Shaw